Today, the once every decade US Census kicks off. If you haven't received your form in the mail yet you will shortly.
"When you receive your 2010 census, please fill it out and mail it back" Quoted in a great article over at ABC News, Census Bureau Director Robert Groves was quoted saying "It's one of the shortest forms in our lifetime with just 10 questions very much like the questions James Madison and Thomas Jefferson helped craft on the very first census."
Back in the 2000 US Census the national participation average was 72%. Locally, Miami-Dade County had a 67% participation rate. You can see how your area did you can do so on an interactive map on the official 2010 Census website. Hopefully, more people will participate so we can get a better idea for who we really are as a nation.
So go ahead and fill it out. You count!
Daniel Timiraos
Do you know that there are radio show hosts that are against the census counting people? Can you get any more retrograde than that?